
Divorce / Separation / Dissolution - We have experienced lawyers who can assist you with:

Divorce Applications including no fault applications.

Finance and Property applications to assist in assessing and negotiating division of assets including a family home or other (including foreign) property, investments, business interests, inheritance, and also in apportioning liabilities. We can advise on potential spousal and child maintenance. We can draft order(s) by consent, or provide litigation and court representation to represent your best interest if matters cannot be negotiated and agreed. We will always advise frankly, and equitably to balance the benefit of any application and process, against the estimated costs.

Avoiding disposal of assets in respect of which we can assist you in obtaining ‘freezing injunctions’

Separation – Deeds recording agreement on financial issues can be negotiated and prepared in cases where parties are not married, or they do not consider Divorce to be an option.

Pre & Post Nuptial Agreements – Which can be drafted to support and underpin a relationship.

In some cases, it may be possible to obtain legal aid funding for your case, and we can assess and advise you on this. In many cases, Legal Aid may not be available, and we can still assist you at privately paying rates that are affordable, clear and agreed in advance

Call 01642 615439